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Design Concrete

 - Creative Conflict: Conflict is often a misunderstanding of unmet needs. Much of the problem is looking at challenges from a blindered lens. This training equips staff members with the skills to take a step back from conflict, see a broader relational context, and create resolution that wasn't previously possible.

- Action Feedback: We guide teams and organizations in developing feedback structures that support contextual growth. Feedback becomes woven into basic workplace practices, creating a dynamic organizational culture that is continually enhancing self-awareness and team literacy.


- Organizational Culture Consultation:  Starting with the founders and board of directors, our team will clarify a clear organizational vision and that can be communicated and understood across the workplace. Synthesizing our other offerings for a comprehensive organizational overhaul, we then work to create a "team of teams" approach and provide an organizational coaching platform for all members of the workplace.

Healthy relationships in the workplace lead to enhanced engagement, better customer support, and greater productivity. Our culture consultations provide you with the tools to holistically strengthen your organization from the ground up.



- Leadership Coaching: One-on-one sessions with organizational leaders structured to identify the greatest leverage points in their workplace. Starting with their strengths, we help leaders develop guidance capacities to add to their supervisory skillsets and enable them to foster an empowered workplace culture. Our leadership coaching programs run from 3-12 months.

- Team Coaching: This methodology provides teams with the skills to create synergistic relationships, integrity, and greater efficiency. Teams learn to distribute leadership in fresh engagement styles, preparing them to adapt to the changing world we live in today.

- Group Coaching: A collaborative methodology in which individuals gather together to learn Rubrum and Gold's in-house coaching methods. Groups will leave with the ability to practice coaching in their workplace. The group will be equipped to come back to their share their skills with the rest of the workplace.

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